
Friday, October 18, 2013

50 Things You Should Know in/before College

College can be the most fun time in your life. Enjoy it, live it up and do things to better your life down the road. Here are 50 things you should learn or know before you start college.

  1. There is no substitute for hard work. A lazy work ethic won't get you far.
  2. This is the best time to make mistakes. It's okay to make them. This is your chance to learn from all those bad experiences.
  3. Being obsessed over a huge network won't help you if you don't develop the relationships.
  4. Experience is usually worth more than your degree, don't graduate without having a couple jobs on your resume.
  5. Make time to read things other than your textbook. 
  6. Pick a degree you love, not the one that will make the most money.
  7. Right now is the prime time to get in the best shape of your life. Make use of the free gym on campus and make it a habit.
  8. You can never take too many pictures. You'll be happy to have them later.
  9. Don't expect to find true love, it's usually lust. But don't rule out the possibility either.
  10. If you have to choose being doing your homework or going to class, always go to class. The tests are worth more than any assignment.

  11. Sit near the front of your classes. It will keep you more focused, you'll be less likely to go on Facebook or twitter, and your professor will recognize you. All of these lead to higher grades.
  12. If the campus is offering anything free (food, goodies, information) take it. They want to help you and, hey, it's free.
  13. College is one of few places where you can be crazy smart and act like a total idiot while drunk and no one will judge you. Enjoy it now.
  14. If you don't want to drink, don't. Sometimes it can be more entertaining to watch everyone else be drunk. There's nothing wrong with saying no.
  15. College is like all the movies. You can make it however you want it. Want to party every night? Go ahead. Want to sit in your dorm studying everyday? Go ahead. 
  16. Remember that you are paying hundreds of dollars for your classes, don't waste your time or money by failing them. Go to class.
  17. Your dorm is about 50% smaller than you think it will be. Plan accordingly.
  18. Coupons will become gold. Get better at finding and using them, it can save you thousands over your college years.
  19. Learn how to cook everything in a microwave. It's probably the only thing in your dorm, and the only thing you'll have time for.
  20. Listening to classical music while doing your homework will help you focus and get it done. It's not science... but it probably is.
  21. Don't make study groups with your friends, it will turn into just hanging out with friends. Bad idea.
  22. There are always people on campus trying to sign you up for credit cards, stay away from them.
  23. Don't believe everything you hear politically and religious-wise on campus. Be open to new ideas but do research for yourself too.
  24. Go to as many sporting events as you can. They are 500 times more fun when you are an actual student.
  25. Don't burn any bridges, a lot can happen in 4 years.
  26. Celebrate birthdays with pranks, cupcakes and confetti
  27. Prank your friends. Weekly. It's fun, keeps away stress and helps creativity, but mostly just fun.
  28. Be yourself. You'll find people exactly like you and they won't judge you for all your weirdness.
  29. Smile. You are in the prime of your life and there is no reason not to be happy.

  30. Except on finals week. It's totally acceptable to sleep in strange places, wear odd clothes and look like you are hungover from 3 days of drinking during finals week. Everyone else will be doing it too.
  31. Anyone who looks perfect everyday is obviously a robot. Don't feel like you need to impress everyone.
  32. At the same time, looking nice and perfect every once in awhile can help your mood, don't wear sweats every day of the year.
  33. Do some weird stuff. Public pranks, taking pictures with strangers or wearing a banana suit to class, just do it. People will laugh and it will make your day that much better.
  34. Put your alarm far from your bed. Just having to stand up to turn it off will help you stop hitting that snooze.
  35. Talk to new people. Ask them their major, year and where they are originally from. Everyone has a story to tell.
  36. It's completely okay to have no idea what you want to do with your life. But try to figure it out by Junior year, it'll save you time later on.
  37. Buy a planner and use it. You WILL NOT remember all your assignments. 
  38. Act like a basic college kid. Use instagram, hashtags, take selfies, wear uggs and tweet daily. Do it now before it gets weird.
  39. Use protection, STD's are real and the last thing you want is a baby with the hookup from Friday's party.

  40. The freshman 15 is totally real, especially if you drink your calories. Try to eat healthy and drink lots of water.
  41. Not everyone needs to know your business. Keeping your life story quiet can make you more mysterious. 
  42. Use shower shoes. No matter how often they clean the bathrooms, it's nasty. Trust me.
  43. Don't walk around alone, especially for girls at night. Bad things do happen, but rarely when you stay with a couple of other friends. 
  44. Learn self-defense. Being able to get away could save your life or you from a horrible experience. One RA in our building gave everyone pepper spray to keep on their key ring. Better safe than sorry.
  45. Trust your gut. It's usually right. 
  46. Back up your files. It can save you a ton of work later on. I use dropbox.
  47. Unless you have a brand new, never washed red shirt, you can wash whites and colors together. Everyone else will probably be doing it too.
  48. Register for classes as soon as possible. There is nothing worse than not being able to take the class you need because it filled up.
  49. Explore your campus and the city it's in. When you need to find an office you won't have to ask where it is.
  50. Create a blog, personal website or keep a journal. Keep track of your resume, experiences and wild nights. You'll be happy you did later down the road.
Feel free to comment with more ideas and tips below!

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