My goal is not to lose 100 lbs in a month or become model skinny. My goal is simply to create a routine of exercise. I think that having a small and achievable goal is better than an outrageous impossible one. I want to workout everyday even if it's only for 10 minutes. That's better than I'm doing right now.
- Eat healthier
- Smaller portions of food
- Healthy snack throughout the day
- Every morning and night:
- 10-50 pushups
- 30-60 second plank
- 20-100 squats
- 20-100 lunges
- 3 ab blasters
- 100 jumping jacks
- 3x30 second glute bridge
- stretch
- Every other day:
- 20+ minutes of cardio
- Running
- Biking
- Stairs
- Jump Rope
- Swimming
I have a few goals within beauty.
- Whiter and stronger teeth
- Brushing teeth as usual, twice a day
- Flossing every night
- Mouthwash every morning
- Peroxide and Baking Soda cleanse once per week
- Less acne and clear skin
- Wash face as soon as I get off work.
- Washing face twice per day with non-drying soap
- Using lotion and acne medicine twice per day
- Not switching products as often
- Wearing less makeup and less foundation
- Use same brand when I do wear makeup
- Lighter coverage (not as heavy makeup)
- Use only mascara when possible, only do makeup for work
Higher grades, staying ahead of my homework and studying a week in advance for all my tests and quizzes. Planning school once I move and start working on a plan.
- Every night I need to do at least 1 hour of homework. Studying, reading, assignments, writing, podcasts, SOMETHING
- Start studying for a test 1 week before the test.
- Use notes
- Flashcards
- Practice Tests
- Quizzes
- Write all assignments in my calendar and make an alert on Wunderlist to remember.
I am planning on moving in Spring which means I need to finish paying off my car, save money for a deposit and rent (3 months of rent in case of emergency), money for making the move (gas, boxes, tape) and save money for birthday and christmas gifts.
- Create a strict budget and stick to it.
- Buy coffee only once per week
- No more shopping. If I need new clothes I need to sell my old clothes before buying more.
- Save money by using coupons, deals and reward cards
- Use cash only to help keep track of how much I've spent.
- Save all change in piggy bank and at the end of the month add it up and put into savings for the move.
- Improve my new website so that I can start making a little extra income from the products and services.
- Sell old, unused stuff on ebay or old clothes at Plato's Closet.
- Finish paying off my car this month, at the latest by December 15th.
- Save tips for gas money and put the rest in savings for the move.
- Declutter room and have a garage sale for the things I no longer use.
I hope you'll challenge yourself and be apart of the 30 day transformation challenge. You have 30 days of hard work to set a healthy and productive routine for yourself. Create some goals, make a plan and stick to it for 30 days.
Good luck!
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