
Friday, August 23, 2013

10 Things a lot of people do not know About Me

I read something similar to this on another blog and I thought it was an interesting way to get to know the author of the blog, so I thought I'd do one as well. Here are 10 things a lot of people don't know about me.
  1. I'm extremely organized and everything in my room has to be perfect before I start a project or homework. I think I may be OCD but I'm too lazy to find out for sure. I have habits that I HAVE to do or I actually feel sick to my stomach. Like before I drive I have to turn on my windshield wipers even if my car is perfectly clean. I once tried to see how long I could go without doing it and I almost ran a red light. Weird, I know.
  2. I cannot stand when customers are rude to employees, or the other way around. Just because you are in a restaurant does not mean you are better than the person serving you. And just because you had a hard day does not give you the right to be rude to a customer, it is your job to be polite, at least fake it.
  3. I find it extremely uncomfortable to sit by someone on the bus or in a quiet area and not say anything to each other. It's so awkward. If you sit by me or look directly at me and don't say hello, it makes me sooo uncomfortable. I will say hi just to break the silence. You don't have to have a full conversation with me, but say hello!
  4. I struggled a lot in middle school with thinking I was too skinny. I ate crap and tried to gain weight and it never worked. Now looking back I wish I had gotten more involved in sports to gain weight, it would've helped me more in the long run.
  5. I believe in love. I know that I have been in love at least twice and I think there is such a thing as soul mates.
  6. I'm terrified of flying, skiing, or anything that can go really fast and not being able to have much control over it. I like control. I wouldn't say I'm a control freak but I'm definitely a little bossy at times.
  7. My worst fear is drowning. I would rather die any other way than drown. Especially if I was drowning because I was stuck under something or in a cave. (I don't like small spaces)
  8. If I regret anything from high-school it would be not starting Cross Country sooner and not going into college on a XC team. I miss running so much and I wish I had planned my college life better.
  9. I don't consider you a best friend until I would die for you. Like seriously die for you. I wouldn't hesitate to die instead of my sisters or my boyfriend. I know it's a bit dramatic, I prefer to think of it as having high standards for the people I love the most.
  10. I use to be very shy, almost painfully shy. I'm not sure what happened or why it changed but now if I have something to say, I'll say it. I'm assuming that not caring what people think is a huge reason why people find me rude and why I don't have 8000 friends on Facebook, but I think it's worth being brutally honest when there are so many fake people in the world. I'd rather people hate me for my honesty than love me because I'm fake. 

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